Welcome to my blog dedicated to helping Oracle DBAs find answers
My name is John Baynon. I have been an Oracle DBA since 1999. I started working with Oracle 8i (8.1.5) and continued to grow my knowledge of Oracle as both a developer and a DBA. The majority of my career has been spent in managed services, working for multiple companies in managing Oracle for external customers. The past 10 years of my career have been spent working with Oracle security products such as Audit Vault, Database Vault and Key Vault. I hold Oracle certifications in both database and Oracle Cloud (OCI). Many of the use cases that I have searched on are not well documented. This was my motivation to start this website, in hopes that I can help others find the information that I have acquired. Much of the “tips and tricks” that I have collected are from actual Oracle developers and are not well documented, if at all. I am happy to share this information as well as answer any questions I can. I would also like this site to be a collaboration with others in the industry. Sharing of ideas will help make this site a better resource for those working with Oracle products.
Hello world!
4 min read